Click here to watch IPAC Canada’s election webinar:
A Stronger and Prepared Canada
In this webinar IPAC Canada’s discusses their election priorities and other emerging health care related issues that are being discussed during the federal election campaign and how each party's platform commitments relate to these key priorities.
The Problem
Now is not the time to stop focusing on infection prevention and control in Canada.
Previous funding cuts to IPAC programs across the country have exposed significant gaps in Canada’s systems of care during the pandemic and have caught all levels of government off-guard.
To be effective in addressing these gaps and preparing for future pandemics, infection control professionals (ICPs) need funding and resources now.
IPAC Canada is concerned that provinces, territories and health authorities are being constantly asked to do more with less. Our country cannot afford to make the same mistakes that have shown to have greater costs on our society.

The Solution

Across the country, ICPs are in short supply and are significantly under-resourced.
All governments must recognize the critical role that ICPs play and provide them with the funding and tools needed to relieve strains on the healthcare system.
The Asks
IPAC Canada is calling on the federal government to provide more resources to the provinces and territories to fund robust infection prevention and control activities, improve patient safety in Canada, and support our efforts to curb the rise of antibiotic resistant organisms and antimicrobial resistance.
IPAC Canada is calling on Health Canada to collaborate with provincial and territorial health ministries to develop a national surveillance system to ensure that all Canadians are protected from infectious diseases no matter where they live.
We can do more to protect Canada from infections

Each year, an estimated 220,000 Canadian patients (1 in 9) will develop an infection during their stay in hospital.
We witnessed the dangers of healthcare associated infections (HAIs) this year through countless outbreaks of COVID-19 in hospitals across the country.
When containment challenges persist in hospitals, infections are able to spread to other care settings, such as long-term care homes.
The spread of HAIs and novel viruses in hospitals are preventable, but more needs to be done to coordinate efforts at the national, regional and local level!
What we can do
We need a national integrated healthcare surveillance system to properly equip professionals and protect Canadians against the spread of infectious diseases.
Without coordination between local jurisdictions, Public Health and Infection Control Professionals are prevented from identifying emerging pathogens, monitoring trends in healthcare associated infections, and establishing benchmarks that inform activities that prevent the spread.
In the United States, the National Healthcare Safety Network provides over 17,000 healthcare facilities with data needed to treat and prevent HAIs. Since its founding, there has been a decrease in the number of healthcare associated infections, including a 50% reduction in central line-associated bloodstream infections.

Send your letter now to urge your local candidates to ensure that robust support is provided for infection prevention and control and an integrated, national surveillance system to protect all Canadians from infectious diseases.
Party Platform Analyses
During the federal election, IPAC Canada has monitored each of the party's platforms and developed an analysis of how their platform commitments related to IPAC Canada's priorities. These analyses will be posted here as details on each party platform become available. IPAC Canada’s platform analyses are non-partisan and were developed only to inform discussion about infection prevention and control in Canada.
Click on the party's logos to view the analysis of their platforms and commitments on infection prevention and control, pandemic preparedness and healthcare.
*Français seulement
Debate Analysis
Similarly, IPAC Canada is also providing recaps and analyses of all major leaders' debates for members to review throughout the campaign. The summaries and analysis can be accessed by selecting which debate analysis you would like to view below.